mission & vision.

Help for Children in Need Foundation (HCNF)


A healthy, happy and fulfilling childhood for all children, in a harmonious and supportive community


We strive towards a society where children can grow up in safety and confidence, to be caring and creative human beings, good citizens and responsible custodians of the environment. This can only be achieved in a situation where religion, caste, community, gender, language and poverty do not come as barriers in the way to their development. We believe that the future of the country is built by strengthening the foundations, giving our children a healthy, happy and fulfilling childhood. We respect the rights of children and young people to be a part of the decisions that are made about their lives and futures.

Rationale for Work

To attain the goals of our vision for the children of India, we focus on those areas where children, especially from socio-economically deprived communities, need the greatest support.

Health and education are the foundations for children’s growth and development, and these are also basic human rights, of which many children are still deprived. Rapid social changes are causing deterioration of the cultural and physical environment for many children, further endangering their very existence. These deprivations are further exacerbated when natural calamities or socio-political conflicts disrupt their lives.

We believe that supporting children and young people to counter these deprivations and disruptions, with the participation of their communities, will create for them, and for all of us, a healthy, happy and sustainable world.



Chirappurathu John George
Mr. George has been a passionate advocate in the social sector since his student days. With degrees in Philosophy and Law from the Pune University he has dedicated his life’s work towards creating wide range changes in human and children’s rights. After working with several notable organizations – Mr. George remains an active consultant in this sector and hopes to continue to protect children from abuse, exploitation and violence as a director of Help for Children in Need Foundation.
Ashok Gupte
Ashok Gupte is a leading Labour Law practitioner in Pune. Apart from working with industries and institutions Mr Gupte has been supporting many social development organisations in matters concerning labour legislations, compliances and human resources management in general. He always finds time within his very busy schedule to join the meetings of such organisations and to support them with his counsel and advice.

While working with some of these organisations and supporting them Mr Gupte has also recognized the importance of civil society engagement for the well-being of all children. He has also been appalled by the increasing cases of violence against children and their exploitation. He realizes the urgency of doing something against these and hence he is with Help for Children in Need Foundation.
Ingrid Mendonca
Ms. Mendonca holds an MA in Social Work and an Mphil in Sociology. She has been active in the women’s development sector both – personally and professionally over 4 decades and is deeply passionate about children’s rights. Currently she leads the South Asia office of terre des hommes Germany and believes she can contribute towards a better world for children through the Help for Children in Need Foundation.


HCNF team
Annual / Financial / Audit - Reports

Financials and Outcomes