Warm greetings from Help for Children in Need Foundation (HCNF). Since our last update, the COVID 19 pandemic situation has changed significantly. The numbers which were earlier rising quickly have slowed down, particularly in the last 15 days as more daily recoveries have been reported than new infections. While this has eased the burden to some extent, states like Chhattisgarh, Karnataka and Kerala continue to see growing infection rates.

More and more industry sectors have opened up. Public transport is slowly resuming. A partial reopening of cinema halls has been proposed. Even schools reopening are being proposed in a phased manner. Against this backdrop of gradual normalization, the fear of second spike during the winter months lingers. Experts are renewing warnings to be vigilant and recommend all protective measures remain in place.
Large numbers of children have been missing out on education due to a lack of digital access (with schools moving to online teaching), the absence of teachers (who were redirected towards COVID relief activities) and a variety of other reasons (such as being in transit between villages to cities}. In cities too, sections of children from marginalised communities did not have access to schooling.
HCNF has just completed the distribution of school stationery and hygiene kits to over 1000 students in Pune, alongside classes organised by volunteer teachers. Education, nutrition and health for children and their families continue to be the areas of support which HCNF would like to bring to as many children as possible of the millions who need them very urgently. Moving forward, HCNF wants to support the efforts of a group of volunteers – Vikram and friends, in Delhi – who are arranging classes for about 300 students under a bridge, while continuing to meet COVID safety regulations despite the challenges.

HCNF once again come to you for your generous support so that the children in Delhi and in many other locations can get some help.
Looking forward to your solidarity and support.