Access to safe and clean drinking water in Maval block in Pune District

The task force on children in Maharashtra is still mulling over opening the schools. Widespread concern on the learning losses and the forth coming challenges when the re-opening actually happens is being debated.

Meanwhile 33 Zilla Parishad schools in the Maval taluka of Pune district have been getting ready with water filters for clean drinking water and hand washing stands for children.

This has been possible due to a grant from TATA CAPITAL HOUSING FINANCES LTD CSR grant and joint efforts of Help for Children in Need Foundation and URMEE (URBAN RURAL MANAGEMENT ENPOWERMENT & ESTABLISHMENT). The work has been done during the past six months and the URMEE team led by Rahul Shende and Kumar, the leaders, the members of the school management committee and Zilla Parishad education department effectively cooperated in completing construction and installation of the filters. Awareness sessions on the importance of clean drinking water, frequent washing of hands, using masks and sanitizers has also been created through online & offline workshops.

HCNF will continue to undertake such initiatives together with offline complementary educations for children without digital access.

The recent survey on the impact of the school lockdown has revealed that only 8% children in the rural areas & 19% in the urban centers have been effectively learning. Just imagine a girl or boy who was in 6 th standard in March 2020, who will sit in the 8 th standard, and the learning challenges.

We shall face this challenges together. Your donations & support help immediately.